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Contractors In Hospital After Lift Accident 

An investigation is underway after an industrial accident at a Warwick industrial plant put two contractors in hospital.

They were working at the Volvo Truck and Bus deput at Wedgnock Lane, when there was an incident with a lift. It fell on to one of the men as it was being serviced.

A 36-year-old man Warwick man received injuries after being trapped under the base of a lift. 

Greville Yeoman, 36, of Emscote Road was detained in Warwick Hospital with a dislocated shoulder and a back injury.

Stuart Waite, 23, of Gainsborough Drive, Sydenham, Leamington, received injuries to his right foot as he tried to prevent the lift falling on to his colleague.

Police, fire and ambulance services were called to the site about 3.30pm on Tuesday. 

An investigation has been launched by the Health and Safety Execuitve.

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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 13  Jul 00

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