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Daylight Robbers Get Away With Cash

Police are hunting the culprits of a robbery in a Leamington travel shop who escaped with £1,500 in a raid yesterday.

The two offenders, both black with very dark skin, walked into Lunn Poly in the Parade and demanded money at 12.45pm.

They forced the assistant manager to hand over the cash before fleeing. They are thought to have got into a large silver and gold coloured car.

The car drove away from the Parade towards Christchurch gardens and Clarendon Avenue.

No one was hurt in the attack, and no weapons were used, but threats were made.

Police are appealing for anyone who saw anything to get in touch on 01926 415000.

One attacker is 5ft 10ins and was wearing dark clothing and a black woolly hat. The other is 6ft 4ins and wore a grey and white hat.
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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 31 Oct 00
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