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Boy Hit As Mobile Phone Stolen

A 15-year-old boy was assaulted as he walked down a road in Earlsdon, Coventry when he refused to hand over his mobile phone to a gang of youths.

Four Asian men jumped out of a silver-coloured car in Albany Road at 8pm on Monday and walked up to the lad.

They told him to give them his phone. When he refused the group searched him and took his Nokia phone worth £150.

The boy was hit and suffered bruises to his jaw and a bump on the head.

The gang, who were all slim between 5ft 6ins and 5ft 8ins, got back in their car and drove off. One had a moustache and another had a baseball cap.

Witnesses should ring 024 7653 9040.
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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 29 Nov 00
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