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Boy Held At Knifepoint By Bike Robbers

A boy had his bicycle robbed from him at knifepoint after it was grabbed as he rode down a Coventry street.

The 14-year-old was cycling in Swan Lane, Hillfields at 5.30pm when a youth stepped out in front of him and grabbed the handlebars.

He threatened the frightened lad, and a second offender appeared with a knife and also made threats.

They took the bicycle, a red and grey Shogun Axis mountain bike worth £250, away from the boy, who was left uninjured but terrified by the experience.

Both offenders are black aged 17 or 18. One is 5ft 6ins and wore a black woollen hat, a green and black jacket and black boots.

The second attacker is 5ft 8ins, slim and had a navy blue bomber jacket and cream jeans.

Witnesses should call 024 7653 9010.
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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 1 Dec 00
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