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Couples Sought As Teenager Makes Rape Claim

A couple who were approached by a frightened 14-year-old girl who claimed she had been raped in Coventry are being urged to come forward by police.

The girl from Leamington alleges that she was attacked between 11pm and 11.55pm on land between Abbots Lane and Mill Street on Saturday.

During her ordeal she says a couple walked past, but she felt too frightened to call out for help.

WDC Claire Arden appealed for them to come forward.

She said:

“The couple may not have realised that the girl was being attacked.”

She also appealed for a man and a woman who were approached in Radford Road after the attack to come forward. The teenager approached them and asked for help.

Officers have arrested a 20-year-old man and released him on bail pending further inquiries.

Either couple or any other witnesses should ring Little Park Street CID on 024 7653 9010.
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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 22 Jan 01
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