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Club Stewards Fight Off Armed Robbers

Brave stewards at a club near Coventry fought off raiders armed with guns early today.

The stewdardess, aged 50, at Brandon Working Men’s Club in Main Street, Brandon, was cashing up at 12.25am when she came across two men wearing balaclavas.

One had a shotgun and the other was also armed with a fire arm.

They told her to hand over the cash, but her cries for help were heard by the club steward, aged 47, and a male friend, aged 39.

The two men took on the attackers and a struggle broke out, during which a window was smashed from the inside.

The offenders fled empty-handed, leaving the two men who took them on needing stitches at Coventry and Warwickshire Hospital for cuts to their heads.

No shots were fired during the incident and the stewardess didn’t need hospital treatment.

One attacker is 5ft 9ins and may have had an Irish accent. He had short black hair.

His accomplice is 6ft and medium build. He has short black hair and short black sideburns.

Anyone who saw the attackers escaping in a small car should call PC Crouch on 01788 541111.

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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 29 Jan 01
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