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Police Officers Commended By Chief Constable

Police officers who displayed outstanding bravery and professionalism are to be commended by Warwickshire Chief Constable, Mr Andrew Timpson.

Andrew Timpson, Warwickshire Chief ConstableMr Timpson will present commendations to nine officers at a special ceremony at police headquarters, Leek Wootton, today.

The officers being recognised are:

  • Detective Constable Brian Beckett from the administration department at Leamington Spa for the professional manner in which he dealt with the arrest of a man carrying stolen goods. (April 1998)
  • Police Constable Michael White from the dogs section for saving the life of a man attempting suicide on M40. (December 1998)
  • Police Constable Matthew Morrall from Rugby for bravery and calmness whilst negotiating with a man armed with a kitchen knife who was also holding a two year old child. (July 1998)
  • Sergeant Steve Badham from Stratford for work on the logistics and planning of the 1996 and 1997 Phoenix music festivals.
  • Acting Chief Inspector Alan Dyson from headquarters for hard work and dedication in co-ordinating the police operation for the Phoenix music festival since 1995.
  • Police Constable Terry Palliser from Stratford and Police Constable Michael Ricketts from the traffic division for brave actions whilst dealing with two armed men making threats to kill. (July 1998)

The Chief Constable will also present certificates of commendation on behalf of Warwick Crown Court. Judge Marten Coates commended DC Jonathon Hirons and DC Karen Ashfield of Stratford Police for good police work carried out professionally and diligently. Over a six month period an enquiry into conspiracy to burgle commercial premises resulted in the conviction of Mr Toby Roberts. Mr Roberts was jailed for a total of 6 years. Recorded Saunders commended the actions of PC Paul Fell from Rugby for his considerable bravery in saving the life of Vincent Gallagher during the Easter floods in April 1998.

More Information:
Warwickshire Police Press Office: 01926 415065/6


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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / 23 Feb 99

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