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Wheelchair Hero Saves Mother And Child

A public spirited Coventry man is to receive an award for bravery after he stopped a man from attacking a woman and her daughter despite being wheelchair-bound.

Richard Luke, aged 23, from Foleshill, intervened when the man began to punch the woman and her 15-year-old daughter.

Mr Luke was thrown from his wheelchair during the incident.

The attacker was later charged with wounding and actual bodily harm.

The officer who attended the incident said he was convinced that without Mr Luke's intervention the violence could well have had more serious consequences.

In recommending Mr Luke for the Chief Constable's Good Citizen Award, Supt Jim McGinty, commander at Little Park Street police station, said:

"This was an exceptional action by Mr Luke, he prevented further assaults and in doing so was injured himself."

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CWN / Crimes, Fires & Accidents / West Midlands Police / 19 Mar 01
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