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Sex And Booze Christmas Hazard Warning

Drunken Christmas parties can lead to caution being thrown to the wind with an increase in unprotected sex and a big risk of unwanted pregnancy, health workers are warning.

A campaign is being launched to publicise emergency contraception that is available throughout the festive season in Coventry.

It is following last year’s campaign around the city to make people aware of where they could get emergency contraception.

This year the effort is being extended to medical and educational bases in the city after it was discovered that people looking for help went there for information first.

Half of those who got emergency contraception last year did so after reading one of the posters.

Lynwen Jones, Sexual Health Worker at Coventry City Council, said:

“There is a link between alcohol and unprotected sex, some people throw caution to the wind when they have been drinking.

“Also pregnancy can occur when a usual method of contraception fails. The poster aims to ensure that people know that emergency contraception pills can prevent a potential pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of having unprotected sex, or alternatively a coil can be fitted up to five days after.

“The information displayed on where and when people can access emergency contraception is key to ensuring that people get it in time.”

The campaign is also part of a wider strategy to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies as Coventry is above the national average.

Anna Sewell, Health Promotion Specialist at Coventry Health Authority said:

“Coventry has a teenage pregnancy rate of 10.2 per 1,000 – higher than the national average rate of 8.8 per cent per 1,000.

“Emergency contraception poster campaigns like this one are one aspect of a multi-agency approach to reducing this figure in Coventry.

“Work is also being undertaken to improve sex education and sexual health services for young people, as well as extensive initiatives to re-engage at-risk young people and support them back into education, training or employment.”

Information and advice are available at the Women’s Health and Information Centre and the British Pregnancy and Advice Services. Call 0845 730 4030.

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CWN / Health / Coventry Health Authority / 20 Dec 00
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