[08 MAR 99] MUSEUM
Free Admission For Transport Museum To StayThe
huge success of the Transport Museums free admission policy has resulted in the
confirmation of its adoption on a permanent basis. Since its introduction last year, over
160,000 people have visited the Museum. This represents a massive increase of 150% on the
previous years figures and 60% increase on the targeted outcome for the
experimental policy. These results put the Museum in the top 2% of all museums
nationally and reinforce its recently acquired status as a museum designated
as being of national importance.
Councillor Arthur Waugh, Chairman of the Museums Joint Advisory board, is
absolutely delighted with the success of free admission and commented,
"This policy fully vindicates our City Centre regeneration and access for all
policies and the public response has been overwhelming. In addition, external research has
proved that the Museum contributes significantly towards £3 million worth of economic
generation for local economy and this is exactly the type of investment that will help
ensure the thriving City Centre we are all working hard to achieve with over 47
nationalities represented amongst our visitors, it proves Coventry still retains very wide
appeal as an important visitor destination. Added to this, we have also been inundated
with compliments from our own citizens who take great pride in the Museums portrayal
of the story that they and their families have created and ensured the promotion of the
great engineering traditions of Coventry on a global basis.
"I am also extremely pleased that we have had a record year for schools visitors
with our unique Education Partnership Centre playing a significant part in attracting
almost 30,000 school visitors. This reinforces the broadening public recognition that, not
only is the Museum a significant visitor destination, but it also has major roles to play
in education, social inclusion and enhancing the image of the city. This year has seen
success all the way and I am delighted that our access for all policy will now become a
permanent feature of the Museum. The Museum is definitely taking major steps forward and,
over the coming months, we intend to ensure that the impetus we have generated will be
reinforced in every way possible to the overall benefit of our City and its people."
Barry Littlewood, Managing Director or Malcolm Oliver, Operating Manager 01203 832425